It has gotten so bad now that if a man wears an ordinary suit outside of a strictly professional business he will be conspicuous, and people will wonder if he's some snob or is rich and showing off. Sadly we seem to be moving right along into that direction. But then they still wouldn't care. I also really dislike the straggly hair and scruffy, untrimmed beard look that so many men wear now to me it just looks sloppy and gross, as if even basic grooming doesnt matter to them. Appearance is the first thing we all notice, and many people still do use that when making judgments about each other. It's a shame because these people should know better. Among the cavalcade of pajama pants, tracksuits, nightgowns, painting rags, and ill-fitting sweatshirts that one encounters in the world's terminals and stations these days, the competently dressed. I see plenty of people who should know better. Most 9f us are the work horses that keep the system going, that's all. To me it signals low self esteem, laziness and no pride in yourself. Apparently, the youngest of the millenial generation will work for minimum wage and be exploited, but is happy so long as they get to express themselves by looking vulgar and unprofessional. I get "dressed up" to go out. Unless they are a Doctor, all are dressed like trash. This is dangerous for blood circulation. Seemingly half of our youths wear those hideous "gauge" earrings that distend their ear lobes, coupled with neck tattoos that used to only be seen on convicts, big chunky necklaces, and baseball hats worn sideways and uncreased, like an escapee from a lunatic asylum. And it's only getting worse, I'm sad to say, while "technology" is displacing manners and common sense. However, the sad part is that we are now supposed to believe that such public obscenities are to be humored, or accept them for what they choose to be. All written content, unless otherwise noted as being quotes, has been written and copyrighted by me. Dress impeccably, and they remember the woman." But high culture isnt the only victim. I first wrote about the downfall of Victoria's Secret here a good 5 or 6 years ago, but the topic is worth revisiting. Or darkly, is the past never to repeat, stagnating or spiraling down? .css-16c7pto-SnippetSignInLink{-webkit-text-decoration:underline;text-decoration:underline;cursor:pointer;}Sign In, Copyright 2023 Dow Jones & Company, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Ray Bradbury had it right sixty years ago with his book Farenheit 451. Am I saying that our society needs to return to the way it was 60 years ago? The only people that I know who dress acceptable are the elderly. That's not bullying, it's setting the standard. The baffling popularity of reality TV shows like. I wonder if the slobbiness could be a cause of a societal lack of confidence, or, the other way around, if a societal lack of confidence could be the cause of slobby appearance? For me, part of the appeal of going to such a restaurant (or other similar places, like the symphony) is the opportunity to dress up. It's hard to look good in anything,if you look like a beached whale,both men&women. I'm constantly surprised by all the jeans in the office (I guess at 52 I'm old school, but I can't bring myself to wear 'em to work. I don't buy that argument because if you can afford PJ bottoms with the Duck Dynasty logo on them, then you can afford proper daytime pants from Target or Walmart. I prefer the traditional look. The guys were better but not by much, dress shirts, clean dress pants/kakis. As Maher pointed out in his on-air editorial, if you can afford $17.99 pajama bottoms with the Budweiser logo on them, then you can afford the $11.99 jeans at Target. In a developed society like ours, you would think people would have better common sense than this. Stars like Jonah Hill, Shia LaBeouf, Post Malone, Wiz Khalifa and Justin Bieber dress like dorm-room slackers, supercharged with AmEx black cards. Every roll, jiggle and bump is on display. Its the norm to display how overweight you are and the tattoos youre covered in. I find that the males are dressed far better than the women today in my area (North East)I was just in Manhattan a few days ago. He looked like a geek! Many might point to the younger generation, its not. I thought I was the last one out there who missed the "Carey Grant" look or the beauty of Grace Kelly and I'm in my 30's! Some conservative commentators and celebrities began calling for a boycott of Bud Light after the beer was featured in a social media promotion by a transgender influencer, Dylan . What a dreary culture. Nowadays, the same type of store lets the employees wear whatever they choose, with tattoos and/or piecings unhidden. No one would ever consider me overdressedor overeducated, for that matterbut if I am now regarded as well-dressed . I've bitched about this topic many times. It's a trend that started a good 20 years ago, most notably when companies started casual Fridays and it kind of permeated society from there through the years. Part of looking like you care about yourself,is taking care of both how you dress AND how you take care of the only body you have. Using profanity on live tv or radio in the "old days" was once unthinkable, but now there are those who think that free speech enables them to be a foul mouthed pig - or look like one. Canadian here and I can tell you the majority of people dress terribly. Just look at how trim the general American public was in the 20th century. You know, wearing tennis shoes and stretch elastic pants with old shirts that look like they were off the rack from the 80s. Big bellies flowed over the . Coco Chanel once famously said, "Dress shabbily, and they remember the dress. I live in a big city and jeans, fitted baseball caps, and Timberland boots are everywhere here. During my childhood in the 1950s, the manner of dress was much more formal than it is today. It somehow morphed into torn clothing looking edgey, even on white bread middle class people. BTW I had a suit on as well! However, I do believe this condition of looking like bums seeming to have little to know pride, is all (Gov.) Great article, Pam! I've copped a few comments about trying too hard and things like that which i just let wash over my head. It's wrong to call it "style" because obviously no thought or effort seem to go into women's hair today. Today's pop culture doesn't help, either. Take a look at television shows from the 1950s or at "Mad Men," and note how stylish people dressed when in public. When I still worked as an engineer and an I.T. or just about anything. Not to mention the hoards of young males with scruffy beards and un-groomed facial hair.I get the feeling many have never heard of such a thing as a belt as well. Nobody has any pride in himself/herself and nobody has any energy to look at another person either, so there is no need for pride anymore. I would say that, since, clothing is so comparatively cheap nowadays, it is no longer a reliable social marker,so nobody cares anymore. People today just don't seem to give a s*it about their appearance and the way they present themselves. ).When I'm "casually" dressed in a basic skirt and sweater, I'm considered "dressed up" because everyone else is running errands in their pajamas.Wellyou knowI could rant on this forever! I just don't understand why some, if not many, lesbians choose to look obscene. This is what modern technology has wrought. Back to the dark ages is the theme of your message. My grandfather used to say that the "pendulum swings." Donald Trump, the shameless, pathological liar and huckster who thinks he has been put in office to do as he pleases, will continue to damn the consequences, damn the poor, damn the ramifications. I'm not saying that I have a problem with people wearing t-shirts, shorts, etc. Yesterday, after I had come out of the Fred Meyers East store, I saw an idiot young adult male wearing a toddler-like once-piece pajamas with cartoon characters on them, heading towards the entrance. And gentlemen, we know its hot and youre exercising, but please keep your shirt on or at least wear a tank top. A lot of so-called "stars" look like they left the local homeless shelter. So many people will say, "Who are you trying to impress? I refused to have them on my ops after that incident. La La Land indeed. Th Do a search on Freddie Mercury, and one of the first auto-fill suggestions that Google will give you is "freddie mercury teeth." Slob Nation: Why Do So Many People Today Dress Like Hobos in Public? The Grandmother Who Fought Porn: Mary Avara, Mother's Little Helper: Vintage Drug Ads Aimed at Women, The Curious Case of Freddie Mercury's Teeth. Who dresses down to go to the doctors office? Both of my parents grew up in thrifty households, but my grandparents always made sure they and their siblings had appropriate clothing to wear to school, church, etc. Dressed to kill means to get noticed, to make yourself look really good by wearing your best clothes. Well, if everyone is tattoooed then they all look the same, which is to say they all look like shit together. Trust me, during the summer, it doesn't get much better. americans dressing like slaves is by design. However, whenever I go out I at least bathe first and put on clean clothes. (I hate Picasso, for example.) I wonder if schools shouldn't have courses in how to be respectable since there are increasing numbers of people in the U.S. that are complete slobs. But you've got to realize that we live now in an age of post-1984 surrealism and computerized fascism. Casual pants with bleach spots and rips as fashion. While at this particular juncture of place and time in my life, I truly cannot afford good clothes, and the ones I do have need replacing. As for ankle pants--what happens when winter hits? I don't wanna be a traitor to my generation and all, but I don't get how guys dress today. I went to my local grocery store which is now in a somewhat run-down shopping center in what used to be a better area of the "Dump." It's interesting to look at vintage photos of any decade of the 20th century through the 1980s, and compare it to your average shopping mall photo of today. Now that it's warming up, it's easy to spot the idiots who are part of the "slob culture". Take a look sometime at how male movie stars are dressed for a magazine shoot, and especially European celebs. Yuck. If you want to understand the cluelessness of the American male when it comes to dress, consider a recent Men's Wearhouse commercial in which a fellow freaks out simply because . In the 90s, after all clothing manufacturing, even ordstroms, was move to china the powers that be recognised that the quality was not very good for fashionable clothes. Have you noticed how horrendous women's hair styles look nowadays? It's kind of sad that wearing a suit and tie would make one overdressed in certain environments I remember when some restaurants required jackets and would lend them to men who walked in without wearing up. I believe it started somewhere in the 1990sI remember a scene in the movie "Clueless" where Alicia Silverstone's character Cher mentions how boys dress "nowadays": "So, okay. Style is a matter of knowing who you are, what you want to say, and not givng a damn (Gore Vidal). Big fat stomachs and oversized rumps exposed; tattoing mania; ignorance and imbecility; a lowest common denominator slacker attitude; no common sense. They are supposed to be rich and glamorous and the last thing that we would expect is that they live like slobs. While he was wearing a nice, flannel, striped double breasted suit, he looked ridiculous. Zero class. I've gotten rather tired seeing ordinary people out in public places looking as though they were either refugees, or inhabitants of homeless encampments. To me it's no different then saying you don't like a certain artist and their artwork. God forbid if i choose to wear a nice casual dress shirt and even worse if i tuck it in which in my opinion looks great if its well fitted.I can't help but feel like other people seem to have no respect for their appearance particularly the young males here who regularly wear singlets with enormous arm holes, baggy graphic t-shirts, board shorts and walk around bear footed or in cheap crappy shoes. It really is a shame. Not many people mentioned women's hair yet, besides their greasiness. These teachers dress like slobs. I was watching the NBC nightly news not too long ago on a Sunday evening. RARELY do i see a person dressed perfect. I was beginning to think i was just a grumpy ole buzzard. I see it everywhere. Dear American men-boys: I know that you mostly don't have a clue, since you have been raised in a culture of dumb ass narcissism lacking restraint. And its not just at the theater where folks have simply stopped trying: Offenders turn up at the Metropolitan Opera in Crocs. I immediately asked the waitress to remove it from my table when we were being seated. The human body looks better, in my opinion, when unadorned. This nonsense needs to stop right now. Yesterday, a colleague of mine was grappling with a . The same thing happened when I wanted to buy a white dress shirt, with mop buttons, but couldn't find any What I want to say is, that even if you want to maintain a classic style for yourself, then you are most probably doomed because there is not the demand for classic clothes as it once used to be. (Polo ralph Lauren being one of them). Someone asked here "What the hell happened?" Although that probably won't change until women stop allowing it. My pet peeve is spandex/clothing out side the gym. We went to a concert at the Beacon (unbelievably ornate) and most of the women, no makeup, bare legs, tattoos, ugly clothes, appalling! I please myself. Theres the utter selfishness of it. People nowadays don't appreciate quality and style. I know, Pam. The only people that I know who dress acceptable are the elderly. I don't consider the Kardashians a good example of the point you're trying to make, because a lot of what they wear is trampy.
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why do celebrities dress like slobs 2023